
Top 25 Upcoming PlayStation 4 Games of 2019, 2020 & Beyond

BywhatoplayNovember 05, 2018

To see the full, up-to-date listing, visit our page for all upcoming PlayStation 4 games.

Death Stranding

Hideo Kojima's first game since his Konami breakup and he's already causing quite a stir. It's no surprise though that Kojima has always had a heart for outlandish ideas. Now, with Guillermo del Toro by his side, we get something that's spectacularly incoherent. And, yet, we're eating it all up. With their trailers that raise more questions than answers, we at least know that Norman Reedus, star of the critically acclaimed demo PT Silent Hill, is taking the lead, along with Mads Mikkelsen. Adding to the list is Lea Seydoux, Lindsay Wagner, Tommie Earl Jenkins, and Troy Baker who will play the enigmatic villain.

Successfully gathering masses into conspiracy theory-crafting hysteria, what exactly is happening in those trailers, we're still not sure. But, with development reportedly going smoothly, it seems as though the maestro biding his time with Sony’s blank check. No release date yet.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

With a release date that's finally not unknown to us, Bandai Namco's ace combat fight action series will finally reach its 7th main installment, the last being 2007's Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation. Dating back to 1995, it's a series that's wholly beloved by fans for its way of coming up with borderline cheesy content and delivering it all with a convincing gravitas. It's been described as "Metal Gear but with fighter jets", and for most, that seems to ring even truer with this upcoming entry.

Answering questions about the Lighthouse War in its main campaign, Ace Combat is becoming more Metal Gear with clouds reportedly playing a major role in gameplay by functioning as cover while also reducing visibility. One of the greatest uses of VR to date, the game will also have an optional mode that will let you play through three special missions separate from the main campaign. It's set to release on January 18.

Skull & Bones

Inspired by the success of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Ubisoft is betting on a full-pledged maritime adventure. Set during the Golden Age of Piracy, play as a captain and rise among the ranks of the most notorious pirate crews in the seas between Madagascar and Mozambique.

Building on the much-praised ship-to-ship combat of Black Flag, Skulls & Bones adds more customizations to your pirating… including loadout, crew drafting, and cosmetics. More importantly is the Hunting Grounds mode, where you get to attack merchant ships, battle government warships, or even other players. There’s also a dedicated player-versus-player mode called Disputed Waters.

With focus on multiplayer, one can only hope that the game doesn’t follow the troubled releases of Six Seige and For Honor. Recent reports, however, suggest that Ubisoft is putting a lot of its Asian resources into completing the game. We’ll soon find out. Skulls & Bones releases sometime this 2019.

DiRT Rally 2.0

While the Colin McRae Rally series reaches as far back as 1998, Codemaster's 2015 Dirt Rally has become the gold standard in the genre. Rocking list after list after list with its impressive driving physics. Codemasters is once again ready to wow our socks off with this upcoming sequel. Trying to live up to the level of immersion of their last title, 2.0 will surely come with graphical enhancements that will make the 6 real-life locations, well, more real.

As fun as it is to go around New Zealand, Argentina, Spain, Poland, Australia, and the US, the limited number of tracks is still pretty much Dirt Rally's weakest aspect. And speaking of which, while Dirt Rally has been THE best VR experience yet, there seems to be no plans of adding VR support--unless demand says otherwise. Despite everything though, it's still something that racing fans should definitely look forward to, and it's coming on February 26th 2019.

Dying Light 2

There is only one game that seamlessly integrates the beauty of parkour and the horrors of the zombie apocalypse. That is Techland’s Dying Light. It involves a post-apocalyptic city on the verge of destruction, and you, the player, trying to survive before night falls and unleashing the freakier monsters.

This sequel improves on all fronts and it promises to give players a free-flowing open-world zombie apocalypse experience with smooth first-person parkour mechanics. It’s still the same Dying Light we know, but with more action and a better story this time around. Every action will have consequences this time, and a new twist to the zombie abilities.

We can’t wait for this game as it comes out sometime soon.

Kingdom Hearts III

Square Enix's Disney and Final Fantasy crossover has been ten years in the making and it's only fair that we're expecting it to be just as magical as, well, Disneyland itself. For a series made for kids, it's not exactly easy to understand. What with the convoluted plotlines spread over more than ten years and probably the same amount of platforms. But, for all its faults, the experience of east meets west favorites is nothing short of majestic.

Now that Final Fantasy XV is out of the way, we're finally gonna get to see more of the power of friendship with Sora back in the lead, stopping another evil invasion with Donald and Goofy. Combat is gonna be greatly enhanced with Sora's unique Keyblade abilities, and of course, a lot more iconic Disney sights. From Frozen, Tangled, Monsters Inc, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Hero 6, and everything in between. See through the end of the Dark Seeker Saga once it releases this Jan 29, 2019

Resident Evil 2

Capcom might be churning out some pretty good new titles, but they're also gaining lots of traction from looking back at their golden age games. Just like the zombies that they so love, this PS One title from 1998 is coming back from the dead. Unlike zombies, though, Resident Evil 2 is shaping to be bigger, better, and definitely prettier than the original.

Built from the ground-up using the newest RE engine, Leon, Claire, and the T-virus infected are looking both stunning and sickening. Adding to the expected graphical updates, RE2 is also following the lead of Resident Evil 4 with its new third person perspective. That, along with the tweaked individual campaigns for Leon and Claire, will make this title feel fresh even for those who've played it before. Recently showcasing five awesome costumes for their deluxe edition, there's probably gonna be more to come for this nostalgia-ridden remake. It's set to release on Jan 25th 2019.

System Shock

This Kickstarter remake of the 1994 space station thriller has been announced as far back as 2015. In the 3 years of development, Night Dive Studios have gone through some creative conundrums that led them to stray from their original vision.

After a brief hiatus, they concluded that they want to go back to developing the game that they promised fans, which is awesome. We love a developer who keeps their word. The plan now is to keep it as close to the original as possible so new gamers can have a taste of this classic game and old players can have a bit of a nostalgic moment.

Kickstarter backers will have the chance to have a look at the Unreal Engine version, come April 2019. They have that to look forward to as they wait for System Shock’s expected release in early 2020.


After that whole fiasco with EA's Star Wars Battlefront, this just might be the redemption that the company needs. While some are still on the fence about this newest title, EA has at least promised a lootbox-less experience for the players. Anthem seems like EA's answer to Bungie's Destiny 2, relying mostly on Bioware's specialty in futuristic warfare to immerse us in exosuit battles. (Hopefully, it's more Mass Effect 2 than Andromeda)

While it's facing a recent delay, there's been plenty of updates from the developers, the latest being a dive into their first mission and the introduction of Ultimate Abilities. While it's not exactly an MMO, on top of the regular singleplayer campaign, it also has a shared and dynamic open world where you can meet other players and it changes every time you play. Party with up to four players and go jetpackin' round as Interceptors, Rangers, Storms, and Colossus.

It's set to release on February 21st.

God Eater 3

Disaster has struck. The Earth is unrecognizable as the home we once knew. Huge, terrifying beasts called the Aragami bring misery and destruction wherever they go. They have the ability to consume anything and take on the attributes of whatever it is they have eaten. The last hope for humanity are the God Eaters who wield the only known Aragami killing weapon called the God Arc.

The much anticipated latest installment of the hit JRPG from Bandai Namco is upon us! The Japanese release will be on December 13 of this year, but International fans will have to wait till Feb 8 2019.


Insane doesn't even cut it. If you enjoyed the manic delights of the often-overlooked Mad Max game, then you'll surely enjoy the no holds barred shootouts of Bethesda's post apocalyptic open world shooter. This sequel has been made under the guidance of two fittingly named giants in the industry, id Software and Avalanche Studios. With Doom, Quake, Just Cause, and the recently mentioned Mad Max, under their belts, they're sure to pump up the testerone for this one. Setting itself apart from its Royale-crazed contemporaries, Rage 2 has a singular focus on its singleplayer campaign.

With Walker as your guide, you’ll get a sweet tour of its seamless, loading screen-less open world. Drive around in radioactive sewers, mow down mutants, and maybe get some powers along the way. Hopefully not as lukewarm as the Andrew WK reception, the post apocalypse awaits you in the Spring of 2019.

Metro Exodus

Glukhovsky's Metro 2033 novel turned videogame franchise has come a long way. And there's no better way to see it than in this spectacular-looking latest entry by 4A Games. Continuing the post-apocalyptic feel of their first person shooter set in Russia, Metro Exodus is widening the gameplay horizons. Though it has been confirmed that it won't be fully open-world like Breath of the Wild, it's still gonna be a liberating shooting experience… all thanks to its massive scale levels--a lot like Crysis 1 back in the day.

With Exodus, it's time to come out of the shadows and into the vast and beautiful hostile Moscow wilderness. Divided up into four hubs according to each season, there's not only new weapons like crossbows, but also a new inventory, and a crafting system that will very feel similar to Last of Us. So it'll be stunning and it will be scary. It's set to release this February 22nd 2019.

Dead or Alive 6

Don’t be fooled by the six in the title, this fast-paced 3D Triple A fighting game, produced by Koei Tecmo is actually the 19th game in the series.

As of the writing of this script, the latest to join in the DoA 6 roster of fighters is Christie, making that 20 playable characters. We have been seeing this swift, and heartless villain since DoA 3.

Moving on to something new, they will be implementing a more dramatic lighting that will focus more on serious, intense combat. Players will feel every hit as the characters will drip with sweat, sustain wounds, and have varied facial reactions. Fights will be more strategic in DoA 6 with the introduction of special combat mechanics such as Break Gauge, Break Blow, Break Hold, Fatal Rush, Rumble Danger, and Mass Destruction.

Mark your calendars for an action-packed Valentines week when DoA 6 comes out on February 15 2019.

Wolfenstein 2: Youngblood

Following the events of The New Colossus, the fight against Nazi domination continues in Youngblood. This standalone spin-off by Machine Games lets you play solo or co-op. Set in the 1980s, you play as one of BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters -- Jessica or Sophia -- and find your missing father in Nazi-occupied Paris.

We don’t know much about the actual co-op mechanics of the game. If the trailer is any indication, it would seem that the twins have different fighting styles: one’s a long-range shooter, the other a close-quarter combat expert. If true, then co-op will offer a whole new Wolfenstein experience. You can sneak around the narrow passages of Paris while your friend is on a lookout from afar with clear shots of the enemies.

This might be the last Wolfenstein 2 game as Bethesda recently announced that they will be making Wolfenstein 3. For the meantime, the Nazi shootfest continues in Youngblood, coming soon in 2019.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Titanfall developer is taking the helm in the development of this upcoming Star Wars game. Not much information has been released so far, no cinematic trailer...not even a trailer of a trailer. We do know that it’s set after Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, when Jedi are being hunted. It follows the story of a surviving Padawan, who could be on the run or in hiding.

The CEO of Respawn also hinted that the game is a single-player story set in the dark times. An anonymous source compares the game to The Force Unleashed…but darker and more grounded.

Until EA officially reveals the game, we’ll all be left guessing...hopefully not for long as Star Wars: Fallen Order is set to release late in 2019.

Beyond Good and Evil 2

While the original wasn’t a big hit, even when it first came out, to this day, it still remains a cult classic.

NINE YEARS AGO, the sequel was announced. Yes, it has been delayed for so long, it’s actually kind of amazing. Thankfully, this time, Beyond Good and Evil 2’s release is standing on a more solid ground with the release of the first-ever gameplay demo.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 will take place in a universe with space pirates living at the close of the 24th Century. Play the role of a space pirate on a quest to find the lost pirate captain Dakini, who mysteriously disappeared while he was searching for a sacred relic.

The demo is looking pretty AND smooth already, but honestly, it’s still too early to tell if the whole game will be as stunning. As of now, we don’t know when this game will release, but we hope to see a more substantial presentation at E3 2019.

Days Gone

Next up is a third-person action-survival horror game by SIE Bend Studio set in a post-apocalyptic open world. The world has succumbed to a horrifying pandemic that almost wiped out the human race: transforming millions into “Freakers”, infecting even some of the animals, and leaving the few survivors, such as the character you play, Deacon St. John, to stealthily navigate the harsh high-desert of the Pacific Northwest, and use weapons to defend themselves.

There’s a diverse set of environments to explore: from the pristine forests, lush meadows, and towering mountains, to the dangerous ancient lava fields.

Days Gone will also feature a weather system and a day and night cycle that will heavily influence the “Freakers”. They will be a bit slower and weaker by day, and dangerously aggressive come the nighttime.

Pushed back a few months as to not compete with the many games coming out in February, Days Gone will be released on April 26 2019

Devil May Cry 5

Capcom's hellishly stylish hack and slash series is back for blood. And, while there's been a great divide in its fanbase since the polarizing Ninja Theory reboot, DMC5 is looking to bring them back together with this stunnning return to their roots. Following up the story of DMC4, this 5th installment will mark the return of Dante and Nero, as well as the introduction of the simply named V. Confirmed to take place after the events of Devil May Cry 2, their beloved leads might've packed on some years, but their bound to feel more youthful with the breakneck speeds of their individual playstyles.

Between range, melee, Nero's special arm, and V's as yet mysterious arsenal, there’s still more choices to make and all of them delivered in trademark deliciousness. Although news of microtransactions for character upgrades is a bit of a letdown, we'll have to see how much of an impact it'll make once it releases on Mar 8, 2019

DOOM Eternal

This is a direct sequel to the much-praised DOOM reboot released in 2016. It’s hell on Earth and Doomguy’s battle against the forces of the underworld does not end. Blast them demons to pieces, move in fast for those glory kills or slash your way across hordes of monsters. Hell is your playground.

Among the many changes to look forward to are increase in the variety of demon-types, more environments, revamped movement mechanics, and new weapons like the flamethrower and some kind of magical sword. The multiplayer component is also being reworked to be more social and, in a way, tied to the campaign. Thankfully, id Software has confirmed that there will be no battle royale mode.

The exact release date is not confirmed yet but DOOM Eternal is planned to launch this 2019.

Nioh 2

A surprise announcement from the E3 2018, the Japanese hack and slash adventure is getting a brand new sequel. A surprise for most considering the very recent release of the first Nioh game at the time. It's a welcome announcement though, with the mostly positive reception of its debut title. Still developed by Team Ninja, they’ve said that their sequel won't be much of a deviation from the original.

Instead, it's aiming to build on its very solid foundations and that's good news for everyone. Replacing last installment's main character, William, PC gamer reports that players will be allowed to customize their own character based on gender and race. Together with FromSoftWare's own Sekiro, the game will add to the slate of Souls-like Japanese games to come. We're equally excited for both. No release date yet.

SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice

Despite drawing the curtains on their genre defying Dark Souls series, FromSoftware doesn't look like they'll retire any time soon. Instead, they take an introspective dive into their own Japanese culture, complete with the ninjas and samurais of the Sengoku period. One of two hotly awaited Japanese feudal era titles, Sekiro carries it's own weight in the hype train with gamers expecting more of their signature souls-like combat.

Deviating from the series in more ways than one, it will also be a singleplayer focused experience and none of the RPG elements of character customization. It almost sounds like an Assassin's Creed title, with its stealth elements and Sekiro's hidden-blade like prosthetic arm. Visceral and smooth in its presentation of violence, it's still undeniably a FromSoftware game and we can't wait to get our hands on it. It's set to release on May 22nd, 2019.

Jump Force

The biggest manga heroes and villains are about to duke it out. Jump Force is a fighting game developed by Spike Chunsoft featuring the most popular characters ever printed on Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Among the playable characters are heroes Son Goku, Luffy, Naruto and Ichigo… as well as villains like Blackbeard and Frieza.

What’s interesting after its surprise reveal last E3 is that… while other games in this list show off technical specs and game mechanics, the discussions around Jump Force are all about the roster.

Currently, 28 fighters have been revealed, including four brand-new characters designed by famed mangaka Akira Toriyama. I’m sure more will be added before and after its release. For example, Deku from My Hero Academia, Gintoki from Gintama, and Kenshin from Rorouni Kenshin. Let’s just hope that they don’t come as expensive DLC packs.

The wait isn’t that long as Jump Force is scheduled to release this February 15, 2019.

The Last of Us: Part II

Winning our hearts with its PS3 release and again as a remastered PS4 title, Naughty Dog's The Last of Us is easily one of the PlayStation's premier exclusives. Set a few years after, the two leads are bound to appear vastly different from the last time we saw them. Where or what happened to Joel is a little vague, but their cinematic trailers has at least given us a glimpse of Ellie all grown up, and taking after Joel's violent, survivalist means. She's 19 years old and has seemed to find love, normalcy, and some semblance of home despite the still growing Cordyceps infection.

With the last title revolving around themes of love, it will be interesting to see how themes of hate pervade Ellie's narrative. As for the other things, combat is also gonna see some improvements with things like dynamic dodges and healing animations under your control. The multiplayer mode Factions is set to return, but perhaps under a new name. No official release date yet but some leaked info has pointed to a 2019 release.

Ghost of Tsushima

Sucker Punch is taking us away from the high-rise cities of inFamous and taking us back to Feudal Japan with this PS4 Exclusive.

The game takes place at the height of the Mongol invasion in the island of Tsushima. It’s a time of warfare, chaos, and violent change. Samurai, Jin Sakai is one of the last surviving defenders against the Mongol invaders.

Ghost of Tsushima offers many side-quests and interesting characters like Masako, a deadly onna-bugeisha whose tragic backstory might just cause you to have to duel with her.

While the trailer suggests that it could release as soon as this year, Sony has yet to officially announce a release year, let alone a release window for Ghost of Tsushima.

Cyberpunk 2077

There are so many things to be excited about CD Projekt Red’s RPG title: from character customizations that could actually affect the story, to cyber-implanted cops who will bust your butt if you step out of line, to a story that will not only hit you emotionally, but, more importantly, have you asking questions about identity and individuality in a world where people and technology are so closely connected.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be all about the story -- so much so that even the side-quests will have an impact to the main plot. All of your choices, just like in real life, will have a consequence, or even MULTIPLE consequences. What else did we expect from the makers of The Witcher 3?

There’s a rumor that, just like GTA V. the multiplayer environment will be totally separate from the main game. On a more exciting news this game is expected to release on June 2019