Maximum Entertainment and developer Goodwin Games announced a surprise early launch for their highly anticipated PC version of Selfloss. Originally slated for a later date, the dark fantasy-action adventure game will now launch on PC on September 5, 2024.
Following the PC release, the game will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S on September 12.
Selfloss follows the journey of Kazimir, an old healer on a quest to heal the wounds of those who have lost loved ones. By using the light of his magic staff, he can fight against the Miasma, a mysterious affliction that slowly consumes the land.
Kazimir’s staff is not only central to the game’s narrative but also its mechanics. It is a multi-tool that offers unique gameplay opportunities.
Gameplay footage shows using the searing light of the staff to combat enemies spawned by the Miasma. The staff can also be used to solve intricate puzzles and cleanse the world of its dark stain.
Surprisingly, it can also powers Kazimir’s small boat, allowing him to navigate the waters and rivers on his journey.
Selfloss is deeply rooted in Slavic mythology and also draws inspiration from the landscapes and tales of Iceland. Players will discover a sea-worshiping world filled with whale gods and uncover myths brought to life through the stories encountered along their travels.
The developers poured their heart and soul into creating a poignant exploration of grief, loss, and the search for hope in Kazimir’s story. According to them, this is further elevated by a powerful soundtrack composed by dark ambient artists, Arigto.
Players can wishlist Selfloss now on their selected platforms. A demo is currently available on Steam.