
10 Best Switch Games of 2023 (First half)

ByNeil YamitJuly 24, 2023

Yes. The best Switch game of the year so far is The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It’s one of a handful of games where both players and critics agree.

This is how sequels SHOULD be, right? It built on top of mechanics introduced in Breath of the Wild and expanded the scope of the franchise. I can conjure praises after praises about how fun and innovative it is… But, you know what's the most important of all? It does not feel like a cash-grab like most sequels do.

It’s the game to beat for this year’s Game of the Year. Guess what though? It’s not the only good game on Switch this year.

Let’s start with JRPGs.

First we have Fire Emblem Engage. New to the JRPG genre? This is a perfect place to get started. Like other games of the Fire Emblem series, you don’t need to have played the past releases. It comes with a whole new story, has memorable characters, and the turn-based combat feels seamless.

Second is Octopath Traveler II. This is one of the best JRPGs on the Nintendo Switch. If you played the original, this is more like a continuation rather than a sequel. You will see tons of improvements: the storytelling, the characters and their interactions, the visuals, and the combat are way better.

For those looking for a dash of nostalgia, two good PS2 remakes have made it to the Switch this year.

Dokapon Kingdom Connect is not for everyone. This odd mix of board game mechanics and RPG is known for ruining friendships; like a crazier version of Mario Party for up to four players. It comes with updated graphics, a new soundtrack, and online multiplayer. Still, at $49.99, it feels expensive for what it offers.

That said, another PS2 classic from 18 years ago, We Love Katamari Reroll+ Royal Reverie, is priced just about right at $29.99. Whether you’re new to the series or a long-time fan... There’s no better time than now to dive into the chaotic joy of transforming a tiny ball into a gigantic bundle of everything!

Time to highlight some of Nintendo’s beloved characters.

Starting with a remake of a Wii game: Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe. Missed out on Kirby’s epic quests? This promises even more platforming goodness with its expanded roster of abilities, better graphics, and smoother gameplay.

As one reviewer puts it, “Whether you've played the Wii version or not, this remaster offers enough content to keep both newcomers and veterans busy for a while.”

Next is one of the best-looking Switch games today, Metroid Prime Remastered. They didn’t just increase the resolution, they also updated the character models, added new textures, and revamped the lighting. The result is a real improvement to an already amazing game from 20 years ago. This makes me more excited for the upcoming Metroid Prime 4.

Not feeling the first seven games? Here are three more to complete our Top 10.

We have the complete 3D remake of Advance Wars 1+2: Re-boot Camp. This is two strategy games in one package, and it’s tailored for the Nintendo Switch. If you played the originals on the Game Boy Advance, it will feel very familiar. The fundamentals are the same, with modern features like online multiplayer. If you haven’t, this will give you hours upon hours of fun and challenge.

Next is SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake. This is the best SpongeBob game of all time and will definitely make you feel like you’re in an episode of the cartoon. It’s fun, funny, and good where it matters. Triumphant in its silliness, it’s great for kids and the kids at heart.

To close this list is THEATRHYTHM FINAL BAR LINE, a rhythm game with a light touch of RPG. To those who love Final Fantasy, especially the music of Final Fantasy, this is the definitive way to experience and celebrate it. It comes with 385 ‘carefully’ selected tracks from the whole series. Trust me, even if you’ve never played a Final Fantasy game, you’ll find yourself humming along to classics like One Winged Angel.

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