
Before I Forget: Game Exploring Dementia is Coming to Consoles

Check out this BAFTA-nominated narrative from 3-Fold Games

Before I Forget: Game Exploring Dementia is Coming to Consoles
ByBayani AcebedoApril 22, 2021

3-Fold Games’ Before I Forget had come out for PC in 2020 as part of the Humble Originals line-up on Steam. The game was a critical hit and had even earned a BAFTA nomination for Game Beyond Entertainment; now, it’s set to come out on consoles later this month.

As per the official announcement, Before I Forget is coming to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on April 29. Here’s the reveal:

The story of Before I Forget follows that of Sunita, a woman with early onset Alzheimer’s. The first-person game will have players (or rather Sunita) walking around, interacting with objects and unravelling Sunita’s past. As you explore, you ‘piece together the remnants of a life well-lived'.

With The Last of Us Part II pushing the boundaries of video games when it comes to empathy and immersion, Before I Forget has been praised for its ability to bring the actual experience of dementia to light.

3-Fold Games co-founders Chella Ramanan and Clarie Morwood explain:

"We are both interested in exploring the possibilities of what games can be, what stories they tell and how they tell them. Before I Forget is a niche, narrative game about an older, Indian woman with dementia, so to share space with amazing AAA experiences means players we may not normally reach can enjoy a moment with Sunita."

The game will run for €7,99 | £6,99 | $7,99 with pre-orders now available. No details have been dropped if the game is coming to PlayStation, but hopefully that option will come soon.

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