
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

  • PC
  • PS3
  • X360
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

As a squadron leader, players can fly up to 39 WWII aircraft in both single-player and multiplayer missions. The game features squadron-based combat, in which each artificial intelligence wingman's specialized skill can be used to the pilot's advantage. During the course of the 18-mission campaign, players will evolve along with their wingmen into an ace fighting force. The heroic storyline that follows the evolution of a single squadron and the cinematic presentation create moments reminiscent of classic World War II movies. Pilots fly in close to Germany’s industrial terrain during a bombing raid or emerge from the fog and cloud cover over London to engage the enemy.


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    About the game

    As a squadron leader, players can fly up to 39 WWII aircraft in both single-player and multiplayer missions. The game features squadron-based combat, in which each artificial intelligence wingman's specialized skill can be used to the pilot's advantage. During the course of the 18-mission campaign, players will evolve along with their wingmen into an ace fighting force. The heroic storyline that follows the evolution of a single squadron and the cinematic presentation create moments reminiscent of classic World War II movies. Pilots fly in close to Germany’s industrial terrain during a bombing raid or emerge from the fog and cloud cover over London to engage the enemy.

    Official Links:  • Wikipedia
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