
Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn

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  • PS5
  • XSX
  • Switch
  • PS4
  • XB1
Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn
Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn
Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn is a real-time battle RPG where you make your own parties from a large variety of characters, use various military formations and techniques to take down your enemies.

The war between man and the demon king has ended, but the world is left ravaged. You take the role of a newly appointed lord, traveling across your lands to free your people from the remnants of the demon kings armies to bring back peace and stability once and for all.


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    About the game

    Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn is a real-time battle RPG where you make your own parties from a large variety of characters, use various military formations and techniques to take down your enemies.

    The war between man and the demon king has ended, but the world is left ravaged. You take the role of a newly appointed lord, traveling across your lands to free your people from the remnants of the demon kings armies to bring back peace and stability once and for all.

    Official Links: Website
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